martes, febrero 21, 2006

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

Para los spanish only (que ni tan spanish only, pues), la nota es sobre los cuervos de la Torre de Londres que serán encerrados tratando de evitar un contagio de GRIPE AVIAR. La leyenda dice que los cuervos deben permanecer allí o el imperio caería.

La epidemia empieza a asustar a los británicos. No quiero espantar a nadie, pero ya empieza a valer madres todo.

LONDON, England (CNN) -- The Tower of London, home to Britain's Crown Jewels, has decided to keep its ravens indoors to protect them from the threat of bird flu.

The six black birds were moved from lawns outside the 11th century castle into specially built cages in one of its towers as the deadly disease spreads across Europe, a spokesman said on Tuesday.

"Although we don't like having to bring the Tower ravens inside, we believe it is the safest thing to do for their own protection, given the speed that the virus is moving across Europe," said Yeoman Raven Master Derrick Coyle.

Legend has it that the ravens must stay at the Tower of London or the fortress and the kingdom will fall, so they are protected by a special decree issued in the 17th century by Charles II.

Ravens can live for about 25 years. When one of the Tower ravens dies it is usually replaced by a wild one. Recently, however, some have been hatched in captivity.

The six, notoriously unfriendly birds -- Branwen, Hugine, Munin, Gwyllum, Thor and Baldrick -- already have their wings clipped to prevent them from flying away. The birds are getting used to their new surroundings, Coyle said.

"We are taking advice on the vaccinations against avian flu, and in the meantime, we will continue to give our six ravens as much care and attention as they need," he added.