viernes, enero 13, 2006


Escogí trabajar de periodista porque tengo poca tolerancia al tedio. Escogí este trabajo porque de pronto me topo con historias que me interesan.

Aquí hay una:

La dominatrix Patricia Payne pasó más de una hora y media dando de nalgadas a una mujer exitosa que deseaba que alguien la"rompiera". Nadie había logrado hacerle daño, por más crueles que fueran, por mucho que la humillaran verbal o físicamente . La mujer cargaba por la vida una personalidad tipo "A" (líder, pionero, creativo, dominante) y deseaba, más que nada en el mundo, un respiro; alguien tomara la iniciativa y la hiciera sentir incapaz de defenderse.

Pero dejemos que nos cuente Ms. Payne con sus propias palabras el resto de la historia:

"Her big thing for a while was really severe pain play. Being flogged. She told me that she'd never been broken. She's always lasted longer than any of the people who had 'topped' her."

Topping is hard work. I told her I would be the one to break her," Mistress Payne recalled. "And I was, but it took a long time -- about an hour and half. It really was a test of wills between the two of us."

"I'd probably been working on her for about an hour," Mistress Payne continued. "I had done some pretty painful things at that point. I have a flogger that's 32 inches long. Very, very hard thin leather. It hurts like a son of a bitch. No other way to describe it. You can't hit somebody softly with it. It hurts a lot. I put a riding crop in her mouth. And I said, 'I want you to listen to me. I am going to flog you now until you drop this crop. When the crop falls out of your mouth we are done.'

"I knew that she hated being gagged so she wasn't going to last too long. I continued. When she finally dropped it, it was funny. I had her hands tied over her head. She wanted to keep going and of course she couldn't because she couldn't bend over to pick it up. So she was sort of doing this karate kick. I said, 'No. That's enough. I told you that was going to be the end of it.' When you put somebody through something like that, they're getting a huge, huge release of endorphins -- it's like a runner's high. It's exactly the same kind of thing. The body is going through a lot at that point. I undid her arms and for the first couple of minutes they wouldn't come down. And she started to cry. And she cried and she cried and she cried, but it wasn't like a 'Oh, my god this hurts so bad.' It was like, 'I just won the Miss America Pageant' kind of crying."

"My friend had about two or three orgasms." The mistress paused. "In all honesty, it's a weird mixture of sexuality and I don't know what else to call it. The phrase I was thinking about was [that I'm acting as a ] 'backyard shrink,' but that's not totally accurate. It's knowing what buttons to push with somebody. I can't imagine running into somebody who I would do that kind of scene with again. I don't want to give you the impression that that's my usual modus operandi -- it isn't."


At 8:58 p.m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Ton´s q? Cómo va la Sogem, todo en un franco retroceso o ya estas preparada para ganarte 175 mil cueros de rana en la Alfaguara? Hoy quería saber de México y me acordé del tazita... Saludos desde Buenos Aires...


At 10:51 a.m., Blogger ira said...

¿G? mmmh, ¿de Gustavo? Si eres Gustavo me da muchísimo gusto saludarte. ¿QUé diablos haces en Buenos Aires? Sogem va bien, pero mi vida por otros lares mucho mejor. Gracias por visitarme.

Mauricio: ¡Lo siento! Estaba hasta el cuello de chamba y no acabé la sinopsis de la historia, pero hoy en la noche haga la traducción para los que no mascan ese idioma.
A los defensores del inglés nos encanta citar a Borges cuando decía que era el idioma de la poesía.
Yo digo que es cuestión de resistencia a la odiosa amalgama cultural.

At 12:09 p.m., Blogger Ernesto said...

Que ironía, que hasta los perros lo entiendan... pero tú no...

At 9:32 a.m., Blogger Bef said...

Yo no creo que existan idiomas feos.

Pocos idiomas son tan golpeados como el mixteco, de consonantes violentas y vocales fuertes. Un idioma que parece de gente encabronada. Ello no lo hace feo.

Intenta, como decía Umberto Eco, dar en latín las instrucciones para que aterrice un avión y éste se estrellará. Nadie discutiría su presunta belleza.

¿Es el serbio, golpeado y seco, más feo que el francés? ¿El deslizar fonético del árabe es más bello que el habla sin inflexiones del castellano?

No lo creo. No lo quiero creer.

At 8:04 a.m., Blogger Ernesto said...

Gracias, Bef, por decir de manera inteligente y amable lo que pienso.

A mí luego me sale lo rudo.


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